Our dedicated hotline for COVID-19 workforce requests is now available.

Our dedicated hotline for COVID-19 workforce requests is now available.

We are here to support you to continue delivering essential service during the State of Disaster and Stage 4 restrictions.

We have established a 24/7 dedicated hotline for COVID-19 workforce requests (covering both NDIS and Out of Home Care).

ONCALL COVID-19 workforce response

ONCALL has identified a small, dedicated workforce consisting of staff prepared and ready to work in the outbreak. There are a very small number of casual staff who are prepared to work in an outbreak setting, compared to our overall workforce.

To support prevention and surge workforce requests, ONCALL has ongoing monitoring and liaison across our business. This includes:

  • Active monitoring of COVID-19 contacts, tests and confirmed cases for all ONCALL client services, business customers and ONCALL workforce.

  • Refreshed and increased infection control training for all staff (with system tracking of completion).

  • Increased communication on all COVID-19 requirements and protocols to our staff. This includes ongoing reminders about testing and isolation requirements – with communication to ONCALL throughout that process.

  • Enhanced workforce technology platform to monitor ‘status’ of all locations and all staff. This update further enables restriction of staff to limited locations, where that is needed to limit movement between sites.

  • Liaison with Victorian Public Health, National Disability Insurance Agency and NDIS Commission, as required.

When we receive a request for staffing in a site with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases, we also complete a risk assessment and detailed roster planning with the relevant provider.

ONCALL is already assisting with a number of outbreaks in disability services. In response, we provide a quarantined, dedicated workforce, with increased compliance support for all arrangements. We have a very limited workforce who are in a position to assist in these circumstances. If you have a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, please get in touch to discuss your staffing needs and ONCALL available staff.

Allocation of casual staff services in all sites for COVID-19 Stage 4 Restrictions

The Stage 4 Restrictions have had a significant impact in the way disability providers deliver essential services every day. In partnership with you, we have an obligation to keep people safe. We have also received Government direction to, wherever possible, limit the number of residential sites an individual worker attends to further minimise the risk of community infections.

What does this mean?

For the duration of the Stage 4 Restrictions, we will:

  • Restrict the number of employers field staff work for meaning they can only be employed by ONCALL.

  • Continue to issue and monitor Worker Permits to all ONCALL field staff.

  • Cease allocating work to field staff that also work in aged care.

  • Seek to limit the number of houses workers are allocated to.

  • Continue communication and compliance about increased infection control training and all obligations and penalties that apply to anyone who fails to follow Government directives.

These changes are temporary and will be in place until the end of Stage 4 Restrictions. This is not a decision that ONCALL takes lightly.

What does this mean for business customers?

We welcome the opportunity to make dedicated arrangements with you to ensure your staffing needs can be met throughout Stage 4 restrictions. We will seek a minimum number of hours to allocate to staff at your sites. Wherever possible, we will also seek to allocate regular casual staff to meet the need.

We will continue monitoring and provide oversight for all staff. In addition, we will work proactively with you where a suspect or confirmed case arises and the response needs change.

Furthermore, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and the National Disability Insurance Agency are indicating a willingness to support the sector. Their support will help ensure the risks of COVID-19 spread are minimised and essential services are maintained.

If you have any questions, please contact Troy Aylen (Executive Manager Casual Staff Services) on 9896 2468.

Lastly, thank you for your understanding and partnership through this difficult time. We will get through this together and ensure people with disability and staff in all services are kept safe.


Emergency Replacement Support Workers for NDIS Support


ONCALL introduces a range of new hygiene and infection control measures