ONCALL providing ongoing care to children and young people

In 2016, ONCALL received a request to support 14-year-old Simon*, a client of Child Protection who was placed in a contingency unit and needed urgent 2:1 staffing support.

Simon’s background

Simon was diagnosed with an intellectual disability with sensory processing issues. In a 2013 Speech Assessment test, Simon was diagnosed with a severe language disorder in both receptive and expressive language. Simon was also diagnosed with ADHD and suspected mental health issues resulting in anxiety, hypervigilance and violent behaviours including homicidal and suicidal ideation.

In 2016, ONCALL began providing support to Simon while he was residing with another Community Service Organisation located in Gippsland and had experienced several placements. As a result of his significant risk-taking behaviours, he was unable to live with others and was placed in a contingency unit by himself with 2:1 24/7 support staff.

Whilst residing in Gippsland, Simon also had multiple Secure Welfare Admissions and several incidents of remand in a Youth Justice Centre.

Simon’s journey with ONCALL

In 2017, ONCALL’s Out of Home Care (OoHC) program took over the care of Simon and moved him to metropolitan Melbourne. ONCALL also used the opportunity to assign a specifically trained and experienced staffing team that were able to work with young people with disabilities who had experienced trauma and neglect in their younger lives. This dual service delivery provided Simon with a disability response coupled with a trauma overlay.

Simon responded well to this approach and with time, patience and consistency, Simon’s risk-taking behaviours decreased and he began to take control of his life. He established positive relationships with his OoHC Coordinator and key workers and was beginning to work on his independent living skills and reducing his risk-taking behaviours.

In mid-2019, ONCALL provided Simon with the opportunity to move out of his contingency unit and trial independent living with the support of his NDIS plan and a Targeted Care Package. This provided another opportunity to change Simon’s staffing team to one with a disability focus as Simon’s protective concerns had been addressed.

To ensure a smooth transition, ONCALL made sure that Simon was involved in every step of the way of the moving process; he even met his real estate agent and neighbours. Simon flourished in his own home and he found it to be an extremely positive experience.

Simon’s Progress

As a result of his new environment, Simon reduced the amount of staff he needed (from 2:1 to 1:1) and went from daily incidents to only one incident in 12 months.

To this day, Simon continues to build his independent living skills with his Occupational Therapist. He has achieved his goal of cooking spaghetti bolognese and handles his finances with success. Next step for Simon – to obtain employment.

Simon no longer uses medication as he self-identified the negative feelings he had whilst on medication and has worked hard on developing strategies with the care team to work on his behaviours of concern.

ONCALL received positive feedback from a Targeted Care Package Planner at DHHS for the ongoing support given to Simon.

“There have been no negatives or weaknesses in this case. The care team have been open and collaborative despite the many stakeholders. This has been driven by ONCALL and their amazing work ethic and commitment to Simon. Simon has reflected on the journey and acknowledges his achievements.”

Simon turned 18 in July 2020 and transitioned to an ONCALL supported SDA in Melbourne’s South East. For the first time in four years, Simon has co-tenants that he gets along with, allowing ONCALL to continue to provide continuity of care to him.


Identifying new accommodation to meet Participant’s changing support needs


Adapting supports to meet changing family circumstances